Our specialist phlebotomy service offers a range of antenatal tests, swabs and investigations to support you during your pregnancy. These include non-invasive prenatal testing for genetic conditions as well as fetal screening.

In combination with testing, we also offer comprehensive pregnancy scans for the latest in 3D, 4D and colour imaging scans and fetal medicine.

Maternity packages

When you book to have your baby privately at the Westminster Maternity Suite, your maternity package includes routine pre-admission blood tests and pre-section screening.

Your consultant will advise if additional blood tests or investigations are required as part of your personalised care.

Maternity pricing update

Our price lists will be updated from June 2024. Existing signed treatment cards issued by the clinical team will be honoured for 90 days from issue date.

Antenatal investigations

We offer a range of blood tests and swabs and during pregnancy that can be purchased separately from treatment packages if required.

Blood testsPrices
Non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT)£500
Fetal RhD£390
Anti-D immunoglobulin£60
Cord group£60
Glucose tolerance (OGTT)£160
Random blood glucose£50
Renal profile£80
Liver profile£100
Coagulation studies£130
Treponema pallidum antibodies£100
Syphilis IgG£50
Toxoplasma IgG and IgM£200
CRP (C-reactive protein)£100
Hepatitis B surface antigen£50
Hepatitis B core antibody£60
Hepatitis B viral load£245
Hepatitis C antibody£60
HIV 1 and 2£50
Sickle cell thalassaemia£100
Thyroid function test (TSH)£60
Thyroid antibody£60

Other investigations

COVID-19 test £100, subsequent swabs £55
Skin swabs£80
Wound swabs£70
Smear test£135
Urine sample£60
Urine culture£50
Placenta histopathology£500


Discover our team of maternity experts

Meet our team of leading obstetricians. From pregnancy scans to advanced fetal interventions, our specialists are here to provide you with personalised care.