Clinical expertise

Dr Gati specialises in inherited cardiac conditions and works in the cardiac magnetic resonance unit and is the lead for the Sports Cardiology service.

Dr Gati continues her work as a CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) Cardiologist and is an active member of the CRY pre-participation screening programme in athletes for the English Institute of Sport, Lawn Tennis Association, Premier Football League and Rugby Union.


Dr Sabiha Gati is a consultant cardiologist who treats private patients at Royal Brompton Hospital and a senior honorary lecturer at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College.

Dr Gati initiated her career with a BSc degree in physiology/pharmacology at University College London for which she was awarded a 1st Class Honours. Following on, she completed her undergraduate medical training at Guy’s, King’s & St Thomas’ School of Medicine, London in 2004. After completing her junior medical training as a doctor, she obtained membership of the Royal College of Physicians in 2007.

Subsequently, Dr Gati was appointed as a specialist training registrar in cardiology and has completed 5 years of specialist training in London with sub-specialisation in advanced echocardiography and cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). She obtained her certificate of specialist training in Cardiology and General (internal) Medicine in October 2016. Dr Gati has level III accreditation in CMR (EACVI) and is accredited in echocardiography by the British Society of Echocardiography.

She completed three years of her PhD research training involving echocardiography and inherited cardiac diseases. Dr Gati won several awards and prizes for her research, including the Hinchliffe Award for the year’s most successful CRY research fellow. After completing her PhD and specialist training, Dr Gati embarked on a 12-month fellowship training in cardiac MRI at Royal Brompton Hospital with a further 6-month experience as a CMR consultant at the institution.

Dr Gati worked for 2 years as a consultant cardiologist at Lister Hospital, Hertfordshire and continued her CMR work at Royal Brompton Hospital. Dr Gati currently works full-time at the Royal Brompton Hospital in the inherited cardiac conditions service and CMR imaging unit and is the lead for the sports cardiology service. Dr Gati is also the deputy editor for education and training for the EHJ-case reports and the section editor for the EAPC sports cardiology quizzes.


Dr Gati has research interests in left ventricular hyper trabeculation and her work was published in the Circulation journal.


Dr Gati’s successfully published her work on mechanisms in left ventricular hypertrabeculation in Circulation journal. Her other peer-reviewed publications include work relating to Left ventricular hypertrabeculation in athletes published in Heart, and ECG guidelines in athletes, published in European Heart Journal and recently aortic dimension in athletes in heart. She also co-authored a land-mark study on cardiac screening in adolescent athletes in the NEJM.

More recently, Dr Gati is a member of the EAPC sports cardiology section nucleus and has also been a member of the expert task force for the ESC guidelines in sports cardiology and exercise in individuals with cardiovascular diseases. She has presented in several plenary sessions at the ESC, EuroEcho, EuroPrevent and ACC.