Detecting lung cancer earlier for a better chance of treatment success

Lung cancer can be a complex condition to treat as it is often diagnosed at an advanced stage once the cancer has spread. However, if it is caught early, then lung cancer can be successfully treated by our expert consultants.

Our world-leading specialists can assess your risk of developing lung cancer during a consultation. Only if necessary, we will recommend a low-dose computed tomography (CT scan) to detect signs of early lung cancer.

About lung cancer

Lung cancer develops when cells become abnormal and grow out of control. Over time, they form a clump, also known as a tumour. Lung cancer develops in the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs – your airways. It can grow within the lung, and it can spread outside the lung.

Some common symptoms of lung cancer are:

  • a persistent cough
  • a chest infection that does not get better
  • a dull ache in the chest
  • a sharp pain when breathing in deeply
  • a hoarse voice
  • shortness of breath

People with an increased risk of developing lung cancer may include those who:

  • have a regular and heavy history of smoking
  • have a strong family history of lung cancer
  • are over 50 years old (more than 8 in 10 lung cancer cases occur in the over 60s, but can occur at younger ages)

The link between tobacco and cancer was established more than 50 years ago. Current research shows that smokers are 15 times more likely to die from lung cancer than people who have never smoked. Smoking causes almost 90 percent of lung cancer deaths.

What happens at the assessment?

Our lung cancer risk assessment service includes an appointment with a specialist who will assess your risk factors for developing lung cancer and then discuss these with you. If appropriate, you may be offered help with stopping smoking.

In some circumstances, your consultant will recommend a low dose computed tomography (CT scan), which is a type of scan that can detect early lung cancer, at stage 1 or 2, even before symptoms are present. With early detection, lung cancer can be successfully treated.


A lung cancer risk assessment is priced from £250.

CT scans, if recommended, start from £1,064 (depending on the scan required).

Payment for an assessment is required in advance of your visit and can be made in a variety of different ways.

  • Private medical insurance: The cost of an outpatient appointment may be covered by your private medical cover. We have agreements with most UK medical insurance schemes, but you should always check with your insurer before finalising your appointment or starting any treatment
  • Self-pay: If you are paying for your own treatment, we accept all major credits cards, banker’s drafts and cash.
  • Embassy: If you are an international patient, your treatment may be sponsored by your country’s embassy. Please check with your embassy for further information

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