Clinical expertise

Professor Vladimir Anikin has significant experience in surgery for:

  • locally-advanced tumours of the chest
  • reconstructive lung surgery
  • advanced VATS, complex endobronchial interventions
  • oesophageal surgery

One of his clinical and scientific interests is using cryosurgery to treat endobronchial tumours. This pioneering method significantly improves the quality of life and prolongs survival in patients with advanced lung cancer. This technology also allows healthcare professionals to avoid major surgery in patients with other forms of endobronchial tumours.

Professor Anikin also has a clinical interest in treating patients with complex thoracic surgical problems or with complications from previous surgery. This includes reconstructive chest wall surgery after previous interventions for congenital and cardiac pathology. He has a unique approach to treating patients with unstable sternum after cardiac surgery.

He uses 3D video-assisted surgery which enables him to offer minimally invasive surgery to patients with more complex problems. He also introduced PlasmaJet technology into his practice. This technology helps to expand the options of treatment offered to patients with pleural pathology, including malignant mesothelioma, and a large group of patients with metastatic tumours in their lungs.


Professor Vladimir Anikin is a consultant thoracic surgeon who sees private and NHS patients at Harefield Hospital.

He received his thoracic surgical oncology training at PA Hertzen Cancer Research Institute in Moscow in the early 1980s. During his training, he championed a thesis entitled ‘Multiple Primary Tumours of the Lung’ and subsequently published a book on the subject.

Professor Anikin first worked as a thoracic and general surgeon in the north of Russia. He was appointed as a senior researcher at the Medical Radiological Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, where his main clinical focus was oesophageal surgery.

After moving to the UK in the early 1990s, Professor Anikin worked at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast, Northern Ireland. In 2000, he was appointed as a consultant at the Bradford Royal Infirmary, and then he worked at the Leeds General Infirmary in Yorkshire.

Since 2007, Professor Anikin has been a consultant thoracic surgeon at Harefield Hospital.


Professor Vladimir Anikin is interested in research regarding circulating tumour cells and the Plasmajet surgical system.


Professor Vladimir Anikin has been widely published in peer-reviewed journals, such as:

  • European Journal of Surgical Oncology
  • International Journal of Radiation
  • Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery
  • Journal of the American College of Surgeons

He has also presented internationally on numerous occasions on the subject of surgical outcomes and techniques in various areas of thoracic surgery and pulmonary cryosurgery.